Evaluation policies can encompass and dictate nearly every aspect of evaluation practice.
They provide an overview of why and when evaluation is important, how evaluation is organized and practiced, how findings are used, and specify practices that support useful and credible evaluations.

Evaluation policies are important for effectively managing program evaluations, especially at scale.

This site collects resources to help understand existing evaluation policies and write new ones.


Government agencies and offices are increasingly using evaluation policies to guide practice.

Read the guidance for evaluation officers or explore a collection of resources for government programs.


Evaluation practice is complex in the philanthropic sector. Most foundations have several strategic priorities with programs at different stages of maturity. Therefore the types of evaluations that are appropriate vary greatly.

Review original research on evaluation policies of philanthropic foundations, as well as recommendations for writing new ones.

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Emerging research & resources

Collecting scholarly publications on evaluation policy

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Want to discuss your evaluation policy? Have resources or research we should share on this site?

Be in touch: arkinars@ucla.edu